Claimed document icons - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

The ISPFDocument interface exposes the SPFRevChangedUnderSameConfig property, which controls the icons that are displayed in the client. If the document is revised in the same configuration, the icon is green/yellow. If the document is revised into a lower configuration, the icon of the revision in the parent configuration is green. This can be changed by swapping the icons.

  • The icon only changes if a document is revised in the same configuration and it ignores revisions in lower configurations.

  • The icon changes with any document revision, even in the same configuration. Additional icons identify a higher configuration revision, which has been revised to a lower configuration, and lower configuration revisions, which are the result of a revise to a lower configuration.

These additional states work in conjunction with the standard document life cycle states, as follows:

  • <ClassDef>_W - For example, SPFDesignDocVersion_W - Working (standard).

  • <ClassDef>_C - For example, SPFDesignDocVersion_C - Current (standard).

  • <ClassDef>_C_SC - For example, SPFDesignDocVersion_C_SC - Current and Source of downwards configuration revise (concurrent engineering-specific).

  • <ClassDef>_C_RC - For example, SPFDesignDocVersion_C_RC) - Current and Result of downwards configuration revise (concurrent engineering-specific).

  • <ClassDef>_W_RC - for example, SPFDesignDocVersion_W_RC - Working and Result of downwards configuration revise (concurrent engineering-specific).

  • <ClassDef>_C_RC_SC - for example, SPFDesignDocVersion_C_RC_SC – Current, result of downwards configuration revise, and source of additional downwards configuration revise (concurrent engineering-specific).

  • <ClassDef>_CS_SC - for example, SPFDesignDocVersion_CS_SC – Current, with a working copy and the source of a downwards configuration revise (concurrent engineering-specific).

  • <ClassDef>_SS_SC - for example, SPFDesignDocVersion_SS_SC – Superseded and the source of a downwards configuration revise (concurrent engineering-specific).

  • <ClassDef>_W_SC - for example, SPFDesignDocVersion_W_SC – Working and the source of a downwards configuration revise (concurrent engineering-specific).

The ISPFDocumentRevision interface also exposes the property SPFRevisedToConfigs, and in conjunction with the property SPFOriginAtHigherConfig on ISPFMergableItem, further icon granularity can be controlled to easily distinguish claim states on both higher and lower configuration items:




Working document with no claim state.

Current document with no claim state.

The Working revision was signed off.

Current document with working revision at same configuration.

Revision A and B in same configuration.

Superseded document.

When a subsequent revision is signed off.

Current document, which has been revised to a lower configuration.

Revision B in lower configuration.

Current document with a working revision at same configuration and additional revisions at lower configuration.

Revision A revised to a lower configuration and subsequently within the same configuration.

Superseded document, which has also previously been revised to a lower configuration.

Revision A revised to a lower configuration and subsequently revised and signed off within the same configuration.

Working revision, which is the design basis for a revision at a lower configuration.

Revision A revised to lower configuration and subsequently revised within the same configuration. Resolve Conflicts at lower configuration will cause the working plant revision to be the design basis.

Working revision at lower configuration.

The result of revising Revision A from a higher configuration to a lower configuration.

Current revision at lower configuration.

The result of revising Revision A from a higher configuration to a lower configuration.

Current revision at lower configuration, which has subsequently been revised to a third level configuration

Where three configuration tiers are used, the second level current revision indicates it is both the result of a vertical revise operation, and the source of a subsequent one.

To use these concurrent engineering-specific icons rather than the standard icons, select the Use Concurrent Engineering Icons option on the system options. For more information on the system options, see Configure the system options.