Upgrade a site - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 47 - Installation & Upgrade

SmartPlant Foundation Upgrade

SmartPlant Foundation
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Installation & Upgrade
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The Server Manager Upgrade Wizard allows you to upgrade the database and upgrade the configuration managed file (CMF). You can also create a backup of the database before the upgrade begins.

If you have been upgrading SmartPlant Foundation from a version earlier than 2009 R3 SP2 (4.3.2) and you have not already implemented the inconsistency reports feature but you do want to use it after you upgrade, before you run the Upgrade Wizard to upgrade your site, you must load the original Inconsistency Reports API functionality using the InconsistencyReport.xmlldr file found in the [Drive]:\Program Files (x86)\SmartPlant\Foundation\SPFServerManager\TemplateFiles folder. This data must be in place when the Upgrade Wizard runs in order for the Inconsistency Reports feature to work for the updated site.

If you do not load these files before running the Upgrade Wizard to upgrade your site, you will receive errors related to failed upgrade instructions for inconsistency reports.

  • The Upgrade Wizard compiles a list of available upgrade paths based on the version of SmartPlant Foundation that is consistent with the data in the selected site. When you start the Upgrade Wizard, the software reads a control file that defines the available upgrades. The control file, UpgradeControls.xml, is delivered to the SPFServerManager subfolder of the product installation folder. For example, [Drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Foundation\SPFServerManager.

  • When you upgrade your database to SmartPlant Foundation 10, the database is automatically updated with the latest Data Validator target system schema, including the target system scheduler, VTLExportTaskScheduler.

  1. In Server Manager, right-click a site and click Tools > Upgrade Wizard from the quick menu.

  2. In the Upgrade Path page, select your upgrade path from the list of available upgrades and click Next.

    The Upgrade Wizard automatically compiles a list of available upgrade paths based on the version of SmartPlant Foundation that is consistent with the data in the selected site.

  3. In the Upgrade Options page, select the actions you would like the Upgrade Wizard to perform and click Next.

    • To upgrade and transform your data, click Upgrade data in the database.

      • To back up your database, click Back up database before upgrade and enter or browse to the location where you want the backup files to be saved.

    • To upgrade a modified or extended schema file (configuration managed file, or CMF), click Upgrade configuration managed file.

      If you have created custom pseudo files to store schema customizations, ensure that the extension for those files are in lower case (.xml) before upgrading the EFSchema.cmf file.

      The DwgRepresentationComposition relationship definition was previously set with the Min1 cardinality set to 1 in the EFSchema. However, in some cases, the drawing representation must exist without being related to a drawing. Therefore, the DwgRepresentationComposition relationship definition is now set to 0 in the SmartPlant Foundation database. Additionally, as part of EFSchema upgrade, the DwgRepresentationComposition relationship definition is excluded to avoid changing that cardinality.

      For both customized files and non-customized files, you must use the Desktop Client to check in the CMF when all upgrade actions are complete.

      • If you do not have a customized CMF, select I don't have a customized CMF file. If you do not have a customized CMF, you do not have to use the Upgrade Wizard to upgrade your CMF.

      • If you have a customized configuration managed file for this database, click I have a customized CMF file and browse to the location of your customized CMF. This file is the CMF that you checked out using Desktop Client. If you have not checked out this file using the Desktop Client, you must do so now.

        The Delivered CMF File box displays the default location of the history CMF delivered with the new version of the software, [Drive]:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Foundation\SPFServerManager\EFSchemaHistory.cmf. Your installation may differ.

  4. In the Ready to Upgrade window, review the scripts that the Upgrade Wizard is preparing to execute and click Next to begin the upgrade.

    • If the wizard runs a procedural SQL script (PL/SQL for Oracle or T-SQL for SQL Server), the tracing output for the script is saved to the Server Manager temp directory under the default root path in a separate log file, UpgradeWizardPLSQLOutput[data]-[time].log or UpgradeWizardTSQLOutput[data]-[time].log, depending on the type of script that was run. The script results are also written to the main log file, UpgradeWizardlog.xml.

    • The log files SQLtrace_[date]-[time].txt, DBVersioning_[date]-[time].txt, and WFSteps_Upgrade_[date]-[time].txt are saved to the ServerManager folder located at: [Drive]:\SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Temp\ServerManager.

    • Critical errors cause the upgrade to stop. Click Back to make changes to your upgrade selections.

    • Non-critical errors are logged, but the upgrade continues.

  5. In the Upgrade Results window, click Finish to view the log file.

    Server Manager logs every action it performs in a log file called UpgradeWizardlog[date]-[time].xml saved in the temp directory under the default root path for the site. For example, [Drive]:\SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\[SiteName].