Displaying actions as shortcut icons - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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Some Action menu functionality can be accessed using shortcut icons that display in a ribbon when you select an object. Only action shortcut icons in the ribbon relevant to the selected object are displayed. The shortcut icon ribbon displays when:

  • You hover over an object in the Results grid, the icon ribbon opens beneath the object row.

  • You open the Actions menu for an object, the icon ribbon displays at the top of the Actions menu.

Apple iPads and Android Tablets

You interact differently with the UI on Apple iPads or Android tablets as there is a variation in functionality for displaying the actions shortcut icons. This is due to the different devices being used:

  • Click the ribbon menu 3 dots and the icon ribbon opens beneath the object row.

Default ribbon icons

The following action shortcut icons are configured to always display in the ribbon by default.




Add to Pinboard

Adds the selected object to a list in the Pinboard.

Show Info Map

Displays the selected object's relationships as clear, organized user-focused information.

Other object types

The display of action shortcut icons is dependent on the type of object selected and your system configuration. For example, the following action shortcut icons can be displayed dependent on the document type.




View and Markup

Displays the selected object in View and Markup.

Show the detail form

Displays the Object Details form showing the current value of the object's properties.

View drawing

Displays the object as a drawing in a document.

View 3D Model

Displays the object as an item in a three dimensional model.

View laser scan

Displays the object in a laser scan.

Share Data URL

Displays the object's URL address path, which can be sent to anyone you are collaborating with.

Show inbox for object

Displays the To Do List task items for the selected object.

View workflow

Displays the Workflow Viewer, which shows the current status and position of the object in the attached workflow.

For more information on configuring different actions to appear as shortcut icons, see Display a method icon on the Actions menu.