Unable to retrieve the markup rendition - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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The following messages display when trying to view a file or compare files:

Unable to retrieve the markup rendition

Created scheduled task to create markup rendition


You might encounter this problem if a markup rendition does not exist.


Users can view a file or compare files after the scheduled task completes and a markup rendition is created. When you first try to view a file without a markup rendition you get:

"Unable to retrieve the markup rendition".

When the call to generate the markup rendition completes you either get:

"Generated markup rendition" if successful, or:

"Could not generate markup rendition" if the call fails.

The main scheduler is not actually needed to be turned on, because the markup rendition, if it is not found, will be attempted to be created asynchronously, without the use of the scheduled task when the user attempts to view the file.

Checking the scheduled task is possible if the user has the main scheduler running. There is a scheduled task created when the file is attached to the document.

Then users can check the status. But when users try to view and markup the file, there is no scheduled task created. Users will need to check the server log.