Place Label QAD Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart 3D
SmartSketch Drawing Editor
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Displays a ribbon with commands defined using the Tools > Edit Place Label QAD Command. To access this ribbon, click Place Label QAD PlaceLabelQAD. The commands available on the ribbon depend on the value defined using the Properties Dialog > Style tab in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor Drawings task. QuickAccessDialogbars displays the ribbon used for orthographic drawings. QuickAccessDialogbarsSM displays the ribbon for marine drawings.

Place Labels

Displays the Place a Label Ribbon.

QuickPlaceLabel Quick Place Labels

Displays minimal options for placing labels.

PlaceAsDrawn Place As Drawn

Specifies that the label uses default values in the label rule. The software ignores font, text size, text color, and other formatting options.

PlaceDimensionLabel Place Dimension Label

Places a label in a dimension format. Choose from Distance Between Distance Between, Coordinate Dimension Coordinate Dimension, SmartDimension Smart Dimension, and Angle Between Angle Between. A label displays instead of a dimension value. See the Dimensioned Label Command.

PlaceBOPLabel/ PlaceWeldLabel Place BOP Label/Place Weld Label

Places a label that displays the elevation or inverted elevation value of a pipe route object. See the Elevation Label Command. (Orthographic)

Place Weld Label PlaceWeldLabel places a manual weld label. (Marine)

MultiplePlaceLabel Multiple Place Label

Places multiple labels on multiple selected objects. Select multiple objects using one of the following methods:

  • Press CTRL while selecting multiple objects

  • Drag a fence around multiple objects

  • Press CTRL while dragging the pointer across multiple objects