Load Sketch2D Personal Settings from XML - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart 3D
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Loads customized settings from an XML file. This command displays a standard Open dialog box so that you can select the XML file to load.

When you select an XML file and click Open on the dialog box, the SmartSketch Drawing Editor software reads all the settings defined in the XML file and applies them to the current SmartSketch Drawing Editor session. Any values that are not defined in the XML file keep their current values.

Only an XML file that meets the standards defined in the SmartSketch Drawing Editor XML schema files SketchTypes.xsd and SketchValues.xsd will work with this command. If a file does not load correctly, you can review the Error Log for information.

SHARED Tip It is better to use one of the delivered XML files, or generate an XML file from Save Sketch2D Personal Settings to XML than to start a new file from scratch. For more information, see Save Sketch2D Personal Settings to XML.