Switch Border Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

SmartSketch Drawing Editor Help

Intergraph Smart 3D
SmartSketch Drawing Editor
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Editing a border template in the SharedContent folder does not affect an existing drawing because the border template associated to a drawing is stored in the database. To change the border template used by an existing drawing, you must replace the stored border template using the Switch Border command.

After switching the border template, SmartSketch Drawing Editor computes a new position and size for any regions and managed views contained in the drawing. The shift and resize of the view is proportional to the size of the drawing areas in the border templates. If the border template does not contain a drawing area, the drawing boundary is computed automatically.

SmartSketch Drawing Editor does not distinguish between different types of drawing views (report, key plan, and graphic) when switching the border template.

  • If you switch the border template of a drawing, views might resize or reposition with the new border template. Managed views are proportionately resized and repositioned according to the size of the new border template.

  • Unmanaged views are not resized and repositioned.

  • Update drawings after you switch the border template to ensure all automated annotations are positioned correctly.

  • The drawing view content does not change when you use Fit to Scale after switching the border template. However, scaled views might have content clipped if the view is smaller after the switch.

Switch Border Dialog

Select Borders to Switch Dialog

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