CADWorx Interface for Piping content in SDB - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.4 - Help - Hexagon

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Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

Infrastructure for the Smart Reference Data SDB - CADWorx interface is provided with SDB. The interface is configured to export 21 Process Industry Practices (PIP) sample specifications for CADWorx..

Pre-configured piping specifications

The below listed specifications are pre-configured for CADWorx interface:

Spec Name

Size Range

Material Description


1/2"- 48"

Class 150, 304/304L Stainless Steel, Socket Weld, 0.000" C.A. Process


1/2"- 48"

Class 150, Impact Tested Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063" C.A. Process



Class 300, 1-1/4 CR - 1/2 MO, Socket Weld, 0.063" C.A. Process



Class 900, Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063" C.A. Steam/Condensate


1/2"- 48"

Class 600, Killed Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.125" C.A. Process



150 PSI, Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy (RTR), Adhesive, Process and Utilities



Class 150, Flanged, PTFE-Lined Carbon Steel Process



Class 1500, 321H Stainless Steel, Socket Weld, 0.000" C.A. Process.

PP - Schedule 80 - Butt Fusion


PP - Schedule 80 - Butt Fusion

HDPE - SDR 11 - Butt Fusion


High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) - SDR 11 - BUTT FUSION



Class 175, Ductile Iron, Mechanical Joints, Cement-Mortar Lined Fire Water (UL/FM Approved) (Underground)



Class 1500, 316/316L Stainless Steel, Socket Weld, 0.000" C.A. Process


1/2"- 48"

Class 150, Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063 C.A. Process



Class 150, 316/316L Stainless Steel, Jacketed Construction,0.000 C.A. Process



Class 150, 316/316L Stainless Steel, Jacketed Construction,0.000 C.A. Process


1/2"- 48"

Class 300, Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063 C.A. Process


1/4"- 3/4"

316/316L Stainless Steel, Tubing Compression, 0.000 C.A., Process Tubing, (thru ASME Class 600 Piping)


1/2"- 48"

Class 600, Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063 C.A. Steam/Condensate

CPVC - Schedule 80 - Solvent Cemented

1/2"- 8"

Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC), Cement, 0.000" C.A. Process.

HDPE - FM - Class 150 - Butt fusion


FM Class 150, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Heat Fusion, Fire Water (UL/FM Approved) (Underground).

PVC - Schedule 80 -Solvent Cemented

1/2"- 8"

Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC), Cement, 0.000" C.A. Process

CADWorx Export Job Settings

Project discipline default setting ‘ZO_CDWX_VR’ is provided to select the version of CADWorx. Data will be exported based on this setting value as below:

  • Exports set with CADWorx 2014 version will not export "Materialmgmtident.lst" file.

  • Exports set with CADWorx 2015 version will include "Materialmgmtident.lst" file, but no data will be exported in ‘Description’ field.

  • Exports set with CADWorx 2016 version will export the data in ‘Description’ field of "Materialmgmtident.lst" file.

  • Exports set with CADWorx 2017R1 - 2018 version will export the user specific custom data in custom attribute fields of "Customfieldtable.lst" file

  • Exports set with CADWorx 2019-2020 version to export the version specific data.

  • Exports set with CADWorx 2019-2022 version to export the version specific data.

Defining Custom Attributes for CADWorx in SDB

The necessary configurations required to export data with custom attributes has been provided in the SDB CADWorx interface.

Below are the required configuration changes:

  1. Add new sheet "CustomFieldTable" as general list in Integration > CADWorx > CADWorx Configuration > Data Tables screen in Smart Reference Data Plus.

  2. Add all the necessary attributes in Integration > CADWorx > CADWorx Configuration > Attributes screen in Smart Reference Data Plus.

  3. Add new sheet "CustomFieldTable" in sheet configuration and configure all the required attributes in Integration > CADWorx > CADWorx Configuration > Data Table Configurations screen in Smart Reference Data Plus. Use TEMPLATE_COPY as retrieval method.

  4. Also, update sheet configuration of spec and part sheets to include custom attributes.

  5. Add custom attribute metadata in Integration > CADWorx > CADWorx Configuration > Templates screen in Smart Reference Data Plus.

  6. Ensure that sheet "CustomFieldTable" is added in the export job.

Sheet Configurations

SDB has provided SDB_CDWRX_SHT_CONF for CADWorx piping specs. This configuration must be used to export SDB delivered CADWorx content data from SDB.

Item Mappings

SDB has provided SDB_CDWRX_ITEM_MAP for CADWorx piping specs. This mapping must be used to export SDB delivered CADWorx content data from SDB.

Transfer Type

SDB has provided SDB_CDWRX_SHEETS for CADWorx piping specs. This transfer must be used to export SDB delivered CADWorx content data from SDB.


SDB has provided SDB_CDWRX_TEMPLATE for CADWorx piping specs. This template must be used to export SDB delivered CADWorx content data from SDB.

Sample Export Jobs

The following sample jobs are provided to export the CADWorx specifications from CADWORX 20.01 Export Jobs screen in SDB:

SDB_EXP_15SK1S01: Sample job to export 15SK1S01 spec.

SDB_EXP_1CA1S01: Sample job to export 1CA1S01 spec.

SDB_EXP_1FE0A01: Sample job to export 1FE0A01 spec.

SDB_EXP_1LT0F01: Sample job to export 1LT0F01 spec.

SDB_EXP_1SA0S01: Sample job to export 1SA0S01 spec.

SDB_EXP_3CJ1S01: Sample job to export 3CJ1S01 spec.

SDB_EXP_6CB2S01: Sample job to export 6CB2S01 spec.

SDB_EXP_9CS1S01: Sample job to export 9CS1S01 spec.

SDB_EXP_PP_SCH80: Sample job to export PP-SCHEDULE80-BUTTFUSION spec.

SDB_EXP_HDPE_SDR11: Sample job to export HDPE-SDR 11-BUTT FUSION spec.

SDB_EXP_12LB0M01: Sample job to export 12LB0M01 Spec.

SDB_EXP_15SD0S01: Sample job to export 15SD0S01 Spec.

SDB_EXP_1CS1S01: Sample job to export 1CS1S01 Spec.

SDB_EXP_1SD0J01-C: Sample job to export 1SD0J01-C Spec.

SDB_EXP_1SD0J01-J: Sample job to export 1SD0J01-J Spec.

SDB_EXP_3CS1S01: Sample job to export 3CS1S01 Spec.

SDB_EXP_50SD0L01: Sample job to export 50SD0L01 Spec.

SDB_EXP_6CS1S01: Sample job to export 6CS1S01 Spec.

SDB_EXP_CPVC-SCH80: Sample job to export CPVC-Schedule 80- Solvent Cemented Spec.

SDB_EXP_HDPE-FM-150: Sample job to export HDPE-FM-Class 150-Butt fusion Spec.

SDB_EXP_PVC-SCH80: Sample job to export PVC - Schedule 80 - Solvent Cemented Spec.

CADWorx Export Data Post processor

A new tool, SRDExportedCADWorxData - PostProcessor.exe, is added to the existing family of SDB tools. This is a post-processor utility to modify the SDB exported Cadworx specifications data before it is loaded into the Cadworx. The operations performed by the utility on the .cspx files are as follows:

  • Removes whitespaces from description attributes

  • Capitalizes the description attributes

The user can select both the above options or any one.

Tool Location: The SRDExportedCADWorxData - PostProcessor.exe is delivered as part of SDB and is found at:

<SDB Installation Location>\Cadworx_Utility\SRDExportedCADWorxData - PostProcessor.exe.

CADWorx interface- Additional information

  • In Smart Reference Data, bolt part numbers are assigned by Bolt Diameter and Bolt Length. CSPX files exported from Smart Reference Data have all the bolts, with part number, sorted by Bolt Diameter and Bolt Length.

  • CADWorx DBCode table does not have Bolt Diameter and Bolt Length attributes, it only has MAINZISE and REDSIZE attributes. CADWorx assigns the DBCode part number based on the flange MAINSIZE even for bolts. So, there is no way for the user to have bolts coming in from Smart Reference Data assigned in the CADWorx model by the Bolt Diameter and Bolt Length.

  • This limitation in CADWorx-DBCode table can be handled by adding two new attributes ‘BOLT_LEN’ and ‘BOLT_DIA’ after the attribute ‘DBCODE_TABLE’ in MaterialsMgmtIdents.lst file.

  • In the exported MaterialsMgmtIdents.lst file the two new attributes ‘BOLT_LEN’ and ‘BOLT_DIA’ after the attribute ‘DBCODE_TABLE’ are exported in as shown below:

  • When the CSPX files has been updated with BOLT_DIA and BOLT_LEN, the user can then import the CSPX file and then both of those fields are added in DBCode table as Custom data. The user needs to select the separate catalog option when the user runs the import to edit a separate catalog for the BOLT values.

  • User can then manually edit the component Long Description in the SPRD to add the key work for Bolt Length and Bolt Diameter

  • When a bolt is placed in the model, with PTN set by DbCode and the DbCode table has the BOLTLEN and BOLTDIA fields with the values for the placed bolt, then the PTN lookup is performed by BOLTLEN and BOLTDIA match.

  • Orifice flanges referred in the CADWorx specifications with group and part FOW are mapped to the FlgWeldNeck.lst file for all the specifications. Updated the retrieval sources for the attributes OTD (Orifice Tap Diameter), OTA (Orifice Tap Angle) and OTN (Orifice Tap Number). Updated the CADWorx generic data and End type tables for the required orifice flanges referred in the specifications.