E3D/PDMS Interface - Intergraph Smart Reference Data Standard Database - Version 12.2 - Help - Hexagon PPM

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Standard Database for Smart Reference Data Version

Infrastructure for the Smart Reference Data SDB-E3D/PDMS interface is provided with SDB. This interface is configured to export four Process Industry Practices (PIP) specifications for E3D/PDMS.

Pre-configured piping specifications

The below listed specifications are pre-configured for E3D/PDMS interface:

Spec Name

Size Range

Material Description


1/2"- 48"

Class 150, 304/304L Stainless Steel, Socket Weld, 0.000" C.A. Process


1/2"- 48"

Class 150, Impact Tested Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063" C.A. Process



Class 300, 1-1/4 CR - 1/2 MO, Socket Weld, 0.063" C.A. Process



Class 900, Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063" C.A. Steam/Condensate

PDMS Configurations

To export data to E3D/PDMS, you must do the appropriate configuration and setup. You can complete these configurations in the Smart Reference Data as described in the Setup in Smart Reference Data PDMS Interface document.

Transfer Types

You must use data transfer types for exporting the SDB delivered data.

SDB provides the following data transfer type:

  • The SDB_PDMS_SHEETS contains a list of data sheets required for exporting the SDB E3D/PDMS data.

All the SDB delivered transfer types are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying the delivered transfer types.

Data Table Mappings/Attribute Mappings

The data table mapping is a named set of relations between sheets and assigned groups / parts / commodity codes / idents.

The attribute mapping is a named set of relations between sheet attributes and those values that should appear on distinct parts / commodity codes / idents or specifications / specification items.

SDB provides the following Data Table mapping. These configurations must be used for exporting the SDB delivered data from SDB.

  • The SDB_PDMS_ITEM_MAP contains the data table and the attribute mappings required for exporting the PIP specifications and the component data defined in SDB.

Data Table Configurations

SDB provides the below data table configuration. This configuration must be used for exporting the SDB delivered data from SDB.

  • The SDB_PDMS_SHT_CONFIG contains the data table configurations required for exporting the PIP specifications and the component data defined in SDB.

All the SDB delivered data table configurations are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying the delivered data table configurations.


SDB provides the below template. This template must be used for exporting the SDB delivered data from SDB.

  • The SDB_PDMS_TEMPLATE contains the template data sheets required for exporting Generic Data, for example, SKEYs, GTYPEs, BTYPs and other data related to the PDMS Specifications.

All the SDB delivered templates are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying the delivered data table configurations.

General Configurations

Config - SRD can store different sets of settings. These settings are project independent. Copying a configuration, copies all the details, such as configuration items and their values.

The general config items define different aspects of the PDMS interface. You do not need to create new config items. However, if a config item is missing, it can be added on General Configurations.

Sample Transfer Jobs

The following PDMS sample jobs are provided for exporting the delivered PDMS specification data from SDB:

  • SDB_PDMS_EXP_1CJ1S01: Sample PDMS Export for 1CJ1S01 piping specification.

  • SDB_PDMS_EXP_1CS1B02: Sample PDMS Export for 1CS1B02 piping specification.

  • SDB_PDMS_EXP_1LT0F01: Sample PDMS Export for 1LT0F01 piping specification.

  • SDB_PDMS_EXP_1FE0A01: Sample PDMS Export for 1FE0A01 piping specification.

E3D/PDMS Interface- Additional Information

SDB has custom procedures under SDB_PCK custom package to handle the second size values export in SPCOM file for few components, for example, TEEs and Reducing TEEs, Couplings and Reducing Couplings, Nipples and so forth, where equal and reducing sizes are having same GTYPEs.

SDB interface can transfer specifications to E3D/PDMS. However, customers may have to refine the configuration and validate the exported content to suit their project and version needs. For example, schedule tables and bolting specs should be updated manually in SRD exported file.