IndustraForm templates are edited in the j5 IndustraForm Designer.
Use the following formula to import EAM data into j5 IndustraForms.
Imports grid data from EAM, such as work orders and work requests.
= IMPORT.EAMGRID (gridid, gridname, dataspyid, userfunctionname, columns, numrecords)
gridid - EAM grid ID
gridname - EAM grid table name
dataspyid - EAM dataspy ID
userfunctionname (optional) - EAM user functional name (if this isn't provided, the grid table name is used).
columns (optional) - A comma-separated string of column names that EAM can return.
To find field names for the columns variable, set up postman and use the EAM grid function. Refer to the EAM Swagger documentation for more information. To access this documentation, enter /web/swagger/index.html# after your EAM server URL (for example, [EAM_server_URL]/web/swagger/index.html#).
numrecords (optional) - The maximum number of records that should be returned (maximum 50).
When the numrecords value isn't specified, this formula returns all the records up to a maximum of 50.
A message is displayed at the bottom of the EAM import section when the specified limit or maximum of 50 is reached. The message displays the total number of records available on EAM, and a link to view the records on EAM.
If you select the link to view the records on EAM, EAM opens on the relevant page but the relevant dataspy needs to be selected.
For example
To pull in work orders for a specific dataspy (limited to three records):
=IMPORT.EAMGRID(93,"WSJOBS",100027, "", "equipment,organization,workordernum,description,schedstartdate",3)
To pull in work requests for a specific dataspy:
=IMPORT.EAMGRID(1,"WSWREQ",1, "", "equipment,organization,workordernum,description,schedstartdate","")
To pull in permits for a specific dataspy:
=IMPORT.EAMGRID(436,"WSPERM",100031, "", "permit,organization,status,description,datereviewrequired","")
To pull in permit to work for a specific dataspy (limited to 25 records):
=IMPORT.EAMGRID(3245,"WSPMTW",3307,"" "permittowork,description,organization,status_display,equipment,department,class,classorg,risk_display,priority_display,daterequired",25)
To find the dataspy, grid info, and grid name in EAM:
Ensure that your user has permission to access the Screen Designer, and allow dataspy Advanced filters.
Navigate to the page that displays the required information.
Select the dataspy you want to use.
Select Edit next to the dataspy. If Edit doesn't appear, check your user permissions.
Go to the Advanced tab.
Select Display SQL Statement. The gridid and dataspyid appear in this statement.
Find the prm_function field in the SQL statement. The prm_function value can be used as the gridname and userfunctionname.