Search language - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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You can use the following search language to refine your search results:

Individual words

The search results contain the searched word.

Multiple words

The search results contain all of the words entered in the Search box, but the words can be split across different fields and subforms in the entry.

For example:

Search: leak valve

Possible result: Installed a new valve to stop the leak.

Phrase search

This is similar to searching with multiple words, except the words between the quotation marks need to match exactly. The words need to be in the same order with no other words between them.

For example:

Search: "channel head"

Possible result: The floating channel head is leaking.

Negative search

Use the minus symbol (-) to eliminate possible search results. The search engine ignores all of the entries that contain the search term after the -.

For example, if you want to search for all of the entries that have the word "leak", but not the word "valve", you can search for leak -valve.

The minus symbol can also be used before a phrase in quotation marks to ignore an entire phrase (for example, leak -"water pump").

OR search

Using the OR keyword allows you to search for words without requiring all of the words to be in your search results.

For example, the search results for vibration OR trip will contain either "vibration" or "trip", or both.


You can combine the different search languages to produce very specific search queries.

For example:

Search: water OR "sea water" pump leak -spill

The search results will contain either "water" OR the phrase "sea water" and "pump" and "leak", but not the word "spill".

Punctuation and special characters aren't supported. Search strings that include punctuation and special characters (for example, $, @, !) don't return results. Only natural language search strings are supported.