Regions - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

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Regions are configured on the Regions configuration page. This page allows you to separate your operational areas into different regions, when required.

To add a region:

  1. Select Add ADDicon

  2. Select the Site for the new region. When required, select the Section for the region.

  3. Select the Timezone from the option list.

    Time zones need to be enabled before they are available for selection. Refer to Time zones for more information.

  4. Select a Default Language for the region.

  5. Select the default shift structure for the region from the Default Shift Names and Times column. Refer to the Shift names and times configuration if you need to see the shift option details or need to configure a new shift option.

  6. Select Save SAVEicon

You can also add a region that has blank area values. This region can be used as the default for any operational areas that do not have a specific regional configuration. If a default region is not added, the time zone of the j5 server is used as the default for these areas.