Sub-area filters - j5 - 28.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

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We’re going to start by adding a section for the Unit 1 Operations Logbook entries. It has the following Data Binding formula:

=FILTER.AREA(IMPORT.MYSUBLOG("general_logbook", "start_time,logtype,message,status"), "Unit 1")

As we saw in a previous chapter, the IMPORT.MYSUBLOG function will import data for the Operations Logbook, automatically applying an appropriate filter for the shift time frame and area. However, we would only like to include a subset of these entries - for Unit 1. FILTER.AREA applies a further Area Hierarchy filter to the imported data. Its parameters are used to search for a matching area, in this case using the sub-area label.

Now we’d like to bring in the UnitSummary element from the Unit 1 Shift Handover. It is a space for the operator to put a highlevel comment about the shift. This time, rather than using a Data Binding for a repeating section, we will just use an IMPORT.LOG based formula for the Value of an element. When a data import , the value of the first column of the first row will be used.

=FILTER.AREA(FILTER(IMPORT.LOG("handover_logbook", "UnitSummary"), "status=?", "Open for Approval"), "Unit 1")