Maximo Assets and Locations - j5 - 30 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

j5 Maximo Integration Configuration

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The second setup screen relates to the setup of the Maximo Assets and Locations interface. Default values are provided (where appropriate), but configuration points are available in case a Maximo instance requires a deviation from the standard setup.

Maximo Assets and Locations

  • Disable Assets and Locations - Select this checkbox if the Maximo interface isn't required or if it will be configured later.

    The Maximo interface is disabled when this checkbox is selected. If the Disable Maximo interface checkbox was selected on the Maximo Server Settings screen, you need to select this checkbox to continue with j5 setup.

Asset WSDL Configuration

The j5 Maximo interface queries Maximo for assets using a SOAP web service exposed by Maximo.

  • Asset WSDL URL - Enter the WSDL URL of this web service in this box. If a SOAP service is configured off the default asset object (MXASSET), the WSDL URL is: http://<server name>:<port name>/meaweb/services/MXASSET?wsdl.

  • Asset Service URL - Enter the URL that j5 should use to call the query operation in the WSDL. This service URL is usually defined in the WSDL but Maximo can be configured to expose a different URL - this is why it is a separate configuration point. If a SOAP service is configured off the default asset object (MXASSET), the service URL is: http://<server name>:<port name>/meaweb/services/MXASSET. For more information on how to find the service URL, refer to Find the service URL for a web service.

  • Asset Operation - Enter the text name for the web service operations on the WSDL for querying assets. For example, if the web service operations are CreateMXASSET, DeleteMXASSET, QueryMXASSET and so on, then the Asset Operation is MXASSET.

  • SOAP identifier for Asset Set - Enter the SOAP element that contains the list of assets. This defaults to MXASSETSet.

  • SOAP identifier for Asset Tag - Enter the SOAP element that contains an individual asset. This defaults to ASSET.

  • Asset Identifier - Enter the name of the field that is the unique identifier of an asset in the Maximo table. This is typically ASSETID.

    It's important to enter the correct asset identifier. It's used to iterate through the data set of assets during a full synchronization, and it's used as the unique identifier of the equipment in the j5 Asset Register.

  • Asset Filter - When required, enter a filter condition to exclude a subset of assets from the synchronization. This is in the form of a SQL WHERE clause. For example, FIELDX IS NOT NULL.

  • SQL query to fetch the Asset record with the maximum ID - Enter a SQL query to identify the asset record with the largest ID. This is used by the batch processing during the full synchronization with Maximo. The maximum ASSETID sets the upper limit during synchronization to identify when the operation is complete. The default query is assetid = (select max(assetid) from asset).

  • Asset Date Changed Field - Enter the name of the field on an asset that displays the last date and time the asset was modified in Maximo. This is used to identify the change set during the incremental synchronization.

Location WSDL Configuration

The j5 Maximo interface queries Maximo for locations using a SOAP web service exposed by Maximo.

  • Location WSDL URL - Enter the WSDL URL of this web service in this box. If a SOAP service is configured off the default location object (LOCATIONS), the WSDL URL is: http://<server name>:<port name>/meaweb/services/LOCATIONS?wsdl.

  • Location Service URL - Enter the URL that j5 should use to call the query operation in the WSDL. The service URL is usually defined in the WSDL but Maximo can be configured to expose a different URL - this is why it is a separate configuration point. If a SOAP service is configured off the default location object (LOCATIONS), the service URL is: http://<server name>:<port name>/meaweb/services/LOCATIONS. For more information on how to find the service URL, refer to Find the service URL for a web service.

  • Location Operation - Enter the text name for the web service operations on the WSDL for querying locations. For example, if the web service operations are CreateLOCATIONS, DeleteLOCATIONS, QueryLOCATIONS and so on, then the Location Operation is LOCATIONS.

  • SOAP identifier for Location Set - Enter the SOAP element that contains the list of locations. This defaults to LOCATIONSSet.

  • Location Identifier - Enter the name of the field that is the unique identifier of a location in the Maximo table. This is typically LOCATIONSID.

    It's important to enter the correct location identifier. It's used to iterate through the data set of locations during a full synchronization, and it's used as the unique identifier of the locations in the j5 Maximo Functional Location table.

  • Location Filter - When required, enter a filter condition to exclude a subset of locations from the synchronization. This is in the form of a SQL WHERE clause. For example, FIELDX IS NOT NULL.

  • SQL query to fetch the Location record with the maximum ID - Enter a SQL query to identify the location record with the largest ID. This is used by the batch processing during the full synchronization with Maximo. The maximum LOCATIONSID sets the upper limit during synchronization to identify when the operation is complete. The default query is locationsid = (select max(locationsid) from locations).

  • Location Date Change Field - Enter the identifier for the field on a location that displays the last date and time the location was modified in Maximo. This is used to identify the change set during the incremental synchronization.

Assets and locations are occasionally both defined in Maximo's LOCATIONS table. In this case, the Asset and Location configuration points are identical on this setup page except for the filter configuration.


  • Validate WSDL URLs - Select this checkbox if you want j5 to connect the Asset WSDL URL and the Location WSDL URL with the SOAP authentication credentials provided, when you select Next. If this connection fails, an error message is displayed showing the reason for failure.

Schedule options

The j5 Maximo interface can be set to automatically synchronize assets and locations using the incremental synchronization mechanism.

  • Assets and Locations Auto Sync Enabled - Select this checkbox if you want to automatically synchronize your assets and locations.

  • Asset and Location Sync Schedule - This default to Daily. The following options are available: Daily, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monthly. The Monthly schedule runs on the first day of every month.

  • Asset and Location Sync Time - Determines the hour of the day that the synchronization starts (00 to 23).

After entering your data, select Next. The setup process validates the above settings.