Limitations - j5 - 28.0 - Help - Hexagon

j5 Operator Rounds Help

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Task scheduling (refer to Schedule for more information) can only be added to an operator round template using a tasks spreadsheet. A task's schedule can't be adjusted in the j5 IndustraForm Designer.

The Additional features section of this document addresses the features that can only be added to an operator round template in the j5 IndustraForm Designer.

This means that if a task's schedule needs to be adjusted, you need to download the operator round template into a tasks spreadsheet. When the tasks spreadsheet is uploaded again, all of the additional features added (and any other changes made) to the operator round template in the j5 IndustraForm Designer will be lost and will need to be reimplemented in the Designer.

Due to these limitations, we recommend that you finalize your tasks spreadsheet design before you make adjustments to the operator round template in the j5 IndustraForm Designer to avoid the repetition of template changes.