Create a new Default Form design - j5 - 28.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

j5 Shift Operations Management Configuration

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When a new Default Form design is required, it may make sense to start from a blank Default Form template. To aid the design process, j5 provides a shortcut menu option to quickly place the commonly used input fields.

To use the default input fields:

  1. Right-click a cell and select Place Default Field. The default field options appear in a neighboring shortcut menu.

    The work instruction Place Default Field shortcut menu option is only available in the Work Instructions scope.

  2. Select the default field you want. The field appears in the selected cell.

    The recommended default input fields are marked with an asterisk [*]. These fields help for a controlled workflow and display key information about the work instruction.

    Each default input field has its default configuration settings attached:

    • ActualFinishTime provides a read-only Date & Time box. This box automatically displays the finish time when you click Done in the Complete Work box.

    • ActualStartTime provides a read-only Date & Time box. This box automatically displays the start time when you click Done in the Start Work box.

    • Area [*] provides a Hierarchy Select input type connected to the Operational Areas data store. Assigned Group provides a Choice input type connected to the User Rights Groups data store. By default, the work planner’s group is displayed. A different group can be chosen from the option list.

    • Attachments provides an Attachment input type.

    • Category [*] provides a Hierarchy Select input type connected to the Work Category configuration table.

    • Comment provides a Rich Text input type.

    • CreatedBy displays the work planner’s name (read-only).

    • CreatedByGroup displays the work planner’s rights group (read-only).

    • Description [*] provides a Rich Text input type linked to the default work instructions predefined message list.

    • Due [*] displays whether the work instruction is Not Due, Due, or Overdue (read-only). The Due status is calculated using the configured Scheduled Start Time and Scheduled Finish Time.

    • ManualStatus [*] provides a Choice input type with the status options preconfigured.

    • PlanAttachments provides an Attachment input type.

    • ScheduledFinishTime provides a user-entered Date & Time input type.

    • ScheduledStartTime [*] provides a user-entered Date & Time input type.

    • Status calculates the status for the list view in the Work Instructions module when the ManualStatus isn’t used.

  3. Merge cells together as required for larger input boxes. A Rich Text input type requires a large merged cell for optimal display.

  4. Give each input field a label.

  5. If required, insert additional fields using the Type option list on the Properties tab.

  6. Preview the form.

  7. When you are satisfied with the design, click .