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Intergraph Smart 3D Hole Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hole Management
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The typical Hole Management workflow is designed to work in conjunction with permission groups and multiple global workshare databases created in Project Management. Structural users and outfitting users usually have read permission to each other's objects. See Learn about hole management.

Outfitting users start the hole creation process by placing hole traces on structure where the structure is penetrated by equipment and distributed systems. The outfitters place hole traces in the model using the Single Hole or Multiple Holes commands. See Place hole traces.

Structure users cut the hole in the structure using the Cut Hole command. Structure users can also place the fitting using the Hole Fitting command if the fitting is a structural fitting. Structural fittings are calculated based on the size of a hole cut, similar to edge reinforcements in Molded Forms and Structural Detailing. The hole cut and fitting can also be placed at the same time using the Hole Cut and Fitting command. Outfitting users can also place the fitting before the hole is cut by selecting a catalog fitting in the Hole Fitting command. Catalog fittings are fixed in size. See Place hole cuts and fittings.

The Manage Holes command is used to view a list of hole traces and hole trace attributes, such as the name of the structural part and the existence of fittings and hole cuts.