Condition Score Matrix Setup screen - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Nonconformities

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Condition Score Matrix Setup screen has the following important fields:

  • RCM Project - System Codes entity ‘STPR.’ By using this project, you will be able to use different matrices for different organizations. On the Organizations screen you already can select an RCM Project. If that field is not blank, the organization will use that project to find the applicable score. If blank the system will revert to the System Codes screen and will use the default project from there.

  • Severity - See description above on the Nonconformities screen.

  • Intensity - See description above on the Nonconformities screen.

  • Size From - Specify the beginning of the size range.

  • Size To - Specify the end of the size range. Ranges cannot overlap for the same combination of RCM Project, Severity, Intensity, and Importance.

  • Importance - See description above on the Nonconformities screen.

  • Condition Score - A simple numeric value. The system does not assume higher is better. Any value that you associate to the selected severity, intensity, size, and importance on the nonconformity will do if that value fits into your coding system for nonconformities.

  • Condition Index - System Codes entity ‘OBRI.’ Make sure you select System Code ‘CI.’ This entity supports icons to better identify nonconformities on the screen.

  • Re-Inspect After - Determine the period after which you want to come back for a re-inspection of the nonconformity.

  • Standard Tabs

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