Edit a Label - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Open the Label Editor Dialog to change a label definition. However, some labels have read-only definitions:

  • The query is read-only. If the label uses a COM query or a .NET query, the query is non- editable.

  • The format layout is read-only. If the COM query returns coordinate data such as position or orientation, the label format is non-editable. If the format uses NPDDEF or NPD properties, it is non-editable. If there is conditional formatting or if the format runtime action is not RTFLabel, the format is non-editable.

  • Both the query and layout are read-only.

  1. Select the label and click Edit Label to display the Label Editor Dialog.

  2. Change the name and description, if required.

  3. For property-based labels, add, or remove required properties in the label.

  4. Select rows in the Properties table, and click Insert a field to layout to place them in the Text region.

  5. To change the font style for a property, select a field in the Text box, and click Rich Text Formatting .

  6. To change the format of a property, select a field in the Text box, and click Field Formatting .

  7. To change the format of the units of measure, select a field in the Text box, and click Unit of Measure . See Unit of Measure Dialog.

  8. For SQL-based labels, make changes to the SQL statements in the Properties box. You can click Show Results Pane to open a lower window that displays the results of the SQL query. Test the query by clicking Execute Query .

  9. When you are finished, click OK.