Equipment/Asset Class Definitions - EcoSys - 4.03 - Help - Hexagon

EcoSys Asset Investment Planning

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The Equipment/Asset Class Definitions tab contains the Investment Plan Equipment/Asset Definitions such as Class ID, Service Life, Service Life Usage, and so on. Also, contains the related Investment Options, Refurbishment and Replacement.

In the Investment Options panel, you can set the asset maintenance interval and estimated cost for it.

  1. Click the Equipment/Asset Class Definitions tab.

  2. Click the Class ID hyperlink. The related Investment Options appear in the Investment Options panel.

  3. Type the At Age (years) at which the asset needs maintenance.

  4. Type the Estimated Cost for the maintenance of the asset.

  5. Type the Invest Early (years) in case the maintenance must be performed earlier than scheduled age.

  6. Type the Maximum Recurrence up to which the maintenance can be performed.

    This attribute is editable only for Refurbishment Type of Investment Option.

  7. Type the Weight of the equipment.

  8. Select Adjust Interval.

    This attribute is editable only for Refurbishment Type of Investment Option.