EcoSys Asset Investment Planning (AIP) allows you visualize and create "What If" Scenario, driven by an integrated solution between EAM and EcoSys. EAM can push Investment Plans with a set of results derived from the Constraint Optimizer to a Scenario within EcoSys to be visualized through Charting and Reports.
The Investment Plans can be updated within EcoSys and pushed back to the Constraint Optimizer to produce several “What If” results that can then be compared within EcoSys. “What If” results can then be sent back to EAM to create of a revision of the expected AIP. Asset Investment Planning with EcoSys helps users to predict the current and future performance of an asset based over a predefined horizon, while supporting real time decisions on balancing costs, risks, and performance.
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Published Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 1:56 PM