Import equipment details from Excel - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Equipment and Furnishings

Intergraph Smart 3D
Equipment and Furnishings
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Smart 3D Version
  1. Click Tools > Import and Export Equipment with Excel Command to display the Import/Export Equipment with Excel Dialog.

  2. Use Folder Location to specify the path to the folder that contains the equipment details to import. Type the full path location in the box, or use the browse feature to navigate to the folder location.

    The dialog lists the Excel workbooks that reside in the specified folder.

  3. Select the workbook to use as input from the list. The Excel input file uses the same format as the EquipmentTemplate.xls file delivered with the software.

  4. Click Load Equipment .

    The software reads the contents of the Excel file, and then performs the specified Add/Modify/Delete actions. When processing completes, the software displays a summary of the processing results.

  5. Click OK.

  6. To save the Excel workbook folder location to the session preferences, click OK.

    To close the dialog without adding the folder path, click Cancel.

  • The software writes the results of the import process in the Status column of the input Excel file.

  • If an error occurs during the placement, modification, or deletion of an equipment object, the software records an error in the Status column of the input Excel file. Review the More Info column for more error information.

  • The software stores all user-selected folder paths that have been saved in the current session and displays them in the Folder Location list.

  • After the software loads the equipment from the Excel workbook, you can use Undo Undo to reverse the modifications made to the model.