Viewing the Changed Objects Assigned to Cases - PAS ICS Integrity - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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After an administrator has installed and configured the PAS Workflows asset model, you can use workflow cases to manage change tracking. In this configuration, you can associate object changes to a new or existing workflow case. Then, you may want to view which changed objects are associated with cases and which changes were reconciled.

To view changed objects assigned to cases:

  1. In the Integrity web interface, click Changes.

  2. Use the options to view the list of changes you want. For more information, see Viewing and Filtering the List of Identified Changes.

  3. Click the link button next to Highlight Differences to see the Changes Associated with Cases window.

  4. Click a link to expand the details for that item.

  5. Click Export to save and download a file with the listed changes.

You can click on a column header to sort the list by that column. You can also export and print the list of changes from the exported file.