Activating the data warehouse load process - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Installation & Upgrade

HxGN EAM Application Installation

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Activate the Data Warehouse Load (DWTL) job to enable the system to execute the data warehouse ETL process. The system executes the ETL process based on the DWTL job setup that indicates the schedule pattern for the ETL process. The settings specified for the DWTL job setup work in conjunction with the run parameter settings specified on the Run Parameters page. See Setting the data warehouse run parameters.

The combination of the DWTL job setup and the run parameter settings indicate how frequently the ETL process runs, what time the process runs, and the process action (load and/or purge). Before running the ETL process, you must activate the DWTL job.

The default run time for the DWTL job is 1:00 AM. To specify a different run time, a database administrator must reset this value in the database. Contact your database administrator for additional information.

  1. Select Administration > Data Collection > Job Setup.

  2. Select the Data Warehouse Load (DWTL) job.

  3. Select the Active check box to enable the DWTL job to start at the Next Run date and time.

  4. View the schedule pattern using Month, Day of Month, Day of Week, Hour, and Minute. The schedule patterns are typically numeric, but can also include the following characters:



    * (asterisk)

    Matches all days, months, hours, and minutes. For example, an asterisk in Day of Week indicates that the system performs the job every day of the week.

    , (comma)

    Separates lists of days, months, hours, and minutes. For example, 31, 12, 0, 0 represents 12:00 A.M. on December 31.

    - (hyphen)

    Specifies a range. For example, 10-12 equals hours 10, 11, 12.

    / (slash)

    Specifies increments. For example, 0/15 minutes equals minutes 0, 15, 30, and 45.


    Indicates the last. For example, Day of Month=L equals the last day of the month.

    See the following table for more detailed examples.


    Day of Month

    Day of Week









    Run 5 minutes past midnight, every day.






    Run at 10:00 P.M. on each weekday.






    Run each hour, every day.






    Run at 1:00 A.M. on the last day of each calendar quarter.

  5. Click Submit.

  • If you want to run the Analytics data load, you must also enable the AETL job. The AETL job runs after the DWTL job has run and loads the Analytics data from the data warehouse tables into the Analytics tables.

  • To enable execution of Analytics jobs, you must also use the Install Parameters form to ensure that the PRODUCTS parameter is set to BOTH if you are running HxGN EAM, set to EXTSQL if you are running HxGN EAM for SQL Server only, or set to EXTORCL if you are running HxGN EAM for Oracle only.