Appearance and functional differences - j5 - 28.0 - Mobile - Hexagon

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Online mode

  • The action bar is blue.

  • When your device is connected to your j5 server and internet, the data on your device syncs with the j5 server.

  • When your device is not connected to your j5 server or internet, your device attempts to sync with the j5 server. Sync errors will appear on your device.

Offline mode

  • The action bar is gray.

  • While your device is in offline mode, the data on your device is only saved locally and your device doesn't attempt to sync with your j5 server.

  • If you select sync (the sync tile on the home page or any of the sync options in the individual applications), an Attempt to sync dialog box appears. You can choose to Stay offline or to Attempt to sync. When Attempt to sync is selected, your device is moved into online mode.