Work Piece Components: Pipe - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Isogen Isometric Drawings

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A pipe object corresponds to the Isogen cut piece. There is one pipe object per work piece. In the Isogen FIX file, the <Pipe> element defines the pipe object data.

Basic Syntax:

<Pipe ID="C" PartNumber="1" CutLength="771.4" CutLengthStatus="Exact" OD="168.3" WallThickness="7.112"
ItemCode="PS0001" Material="Carbon Steel" PipeSpec="CS150">
<End1 Preparation="BEVEL" X="0" Y="0" Z="0" E="4517.6" N="8765" U="2457" />
<End2 Preparation="BEVEL" X="771.4" Y="0" Z="0" E="4517.6" N="8765" U="5289" />

The Pipe element can contain any of the following data:

  • Fixed pipe object attributes:

    • ID specifies the Isogen cut piece identifier.

    • UCI specifies the 3D system unique component identifier.

    • CutLength indicates the length of the cut piece as calculated by Isogen.

    • CutLengthStatus identifies the status of the cut piece length. Possible values are Approximate and Exact.

      • An Approximate cut length is based on pipe nominal size when the cut piece is welded to a main branch. Only the length from the connection point to the end is fixed. In this instance, the branch point may be recalculated.

      • An Exact cut length has been accurately determined and should not be modified.

    • NS and NSUnits specify the pipe nominal size in inches or millimeters.

    • OD specifies the pipe outside diameter. If this value is not known, the attribute is set to 0.

    • WallThickness specifies the wall thickness of the pipe. If this value is not known, the attribute is set to 0.

    • ItemCode and Description specify the pipe item code or commodity code from materials management and its corresponding long description as it appears in the Material Take-Off.

    • Material identifies the pipe material of construction, such as carbon steel.

  • Enumeration of any user-specified attribute values in the source PCF or IDF.

    Project-specific mapping may be needed to interpret these values.

  • Pipe start and end coordinates in both local (X,Y,Z) and installed (E,N,U) coordinates.

Actual length versus true length

The fabrication coordinates for a pipe in the FIX file reflect the true length of the cut piece rather than the installed length. In many cases, the true length is greater than the installed length because of the following:

  • An additional length of pipe is needed to fabricate the pipe. For example, a pipe bending machine may need extra length to clamp the cut piece during bending.

  • Extra pipe is required that can be adjusted and cut back on site, commonly known as a field fit allowance. This extra allowance is defined in the Isogen data explicitly, through a cut piece allowance data item, or implicitly because of the presence of a field fit weld and a default allowance.

The FIX file includes the actual length of the cut piece:

<Pipe ID="A" UCI="81431B34-0720-450C-AE51-AE402B4EEBCE" CutLength="2441"

The fabrication coordinates (X,Y,Z) reflect the true length. This will be greater than the length implied by the installed coordinates (E,N,U) .

<Start X="1649.66" Y="922.16" Z="0" E="1077.84" N="2000" U="3000" Preparation="BEVEL" Allowance="0" />
<Bend X="1649.66" Y="0" Z="0" Radius="304.8" E="2000" N="2000" U="3000" />
<End X="0" Y="0" Z="0" E="2000" N="500" U="3000" Preparation="SQ.CUT" Allowance="149.66" />

Pipe bending data

When the cut piece contains bends, the outputs the center and radius of each bend to the FIX file. Also included are the start and end points of the cut piece in both Fabrication (X, Y, Z) and installed (E, N, U) coordinates. Sample configurations and their associated output are shown below.

Example 1:


  • 1 - <Start X="1649.66" Y="922.16" Z="0" E="1077.84" N="2000" U="3000" Preparation="BEVEL" Allowance="0" />

  • 2 - <Bend X="1649.66" Y="0" Z="0" Radius="304.8" E="2000" N="2000" U="3000" />

  • 3 - <End X="0" Y="0" Z="0" E="2000" N="500" U="3000" Preparation="SQ.CUT" Allowance="149.66" />

Example 2:

  • 1 - <Start X="3082.03" Y="-230.86" Z="-228.94" E="2006.35" N="2000" U="3000" Preparation="BEVEL"
    Allowance="0" />

  • 2 - <Bend X="2745.46" Y="-120.32" Z="-572.72" Radius="304.8" E="2500" N="2000" U="3000" />

  • 3 - <Bend X="2200" Y="0" Z="0" Radius="304.8" E="2500" N="1200" U="3000" />

  • 4 - <Bend X="0" Y="0" Z="0" Radius="304.8" E="4000" N="-300" U="3583.1" />

  • 5 - <End X="-443.36" Y="97.8" Z="465.52" E="4000" N="-800" U="3583.1" Preparation="SQ.CUT"
    Allowance="150.26" />

In the Fabrication coordinate system, the cut piece is rotated so that the pair of adjacent legs with the largest area is laid flat. To minimize negative elevation coordinates, the cut piece is flipped about this plane.