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Any user that has editing rights in the Permits module can add a permit and draft the work details on the permit.


  • Work Location (Required) - Where is the work going to take place?

  • Work Description (Required) - What needs to be done and how should it be completed?

  • Planned Work Start - The initial proposed start date for the work.

  • Planned Work End - The initial proposed end date of the work.

  • Equipment - The assets that are going to be worked on.

  • Work Equipment and Tools - The equipment and tools that will be used for the work.

  • Supporting documents: Isolation Certificate, Confined Space Entry, and/or General Certificate - Indicate what supporting documents are going to be required for this work to take place.

  • Attachments - Attach all other supporting files and images as necessary.

Hot work permits have the following additional fields:

  • Gas Test Required - Yes or No

  • Every X hours - How frequently should the gas test be completed?

  • Continuous Gas Detection - Should there be continuous gas detection?


  • Select Discard - If the work shouldn't be completed or if there's already another permit that addresses this work.

    • User permission: Any user with editing rights in the Permit module.

    • The Adding permit closes. None of the details on the permit are saved.

  • Select Save - When the required fields are complete and you're satisfied with the initial details on the permit.

    • User permission: Any user with editing rights in the Permit module.

    • State change: Adding > Drafting