Isolations - Workflow and statuses - j5 - 30 - Help - Hexagon

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The following screenshot illustrates the workflow that an isolation can go though as it moves from Drafting to Complete.

  • This section explains the default statuses configured for isolations. If your workflow processes require different statuses, please contact your regional Hexagon j5 office.

  • Isolation forms in the Drafting, Requesting, De-isolated, De-isolated for Test, Extended Term Isolation, and Complete states can be viewed only on the j5 Web Client. By default, isolation forms in these states can't be viewed on j5 Mobile. However, all of the sections in the form can be viewed on j5 Mobile when it's in a viewable state.

  • Adding Isolations on Mobile is possible but not recommended because isolation planning (particularly selecting of points) is only supported on the web client, and so any progression out of Drafting would be blocked on Mobile.


The workflow moves through the following stages:

  1. Select Add to create an isolation, the isolation's status is Adding. Complete the required fields and select Save. The isolation’s status is Drafting.

    Adding an Isolation on Mobile is not recommended.

  2. Any user that has editing rights in the Isolations module and Isolations sublog can draft and edit the general details for the isolation.

  3. Select Setup Isolation Points to add one or more isolation point to the certificate.

  4. Select Test Point for every isolation point that needs to be a test point.

  5. Select the users with Area Authority and Isolating Authority roles.

  6. Select Yes if the isolation meets risk standards, then if a risk assessment is required, select Yes and complete the risk assessment.

  7. Select Submit Request, the isolation’s status changes to Isolating Authority Approval. If revision is required select Send for Revision, the status changes back to Drafting.

  8. The Isolating Authority selects Approve and signs, the status changes to Area Authority Approval. The Area Authority selects Approve and signs approve the isolation plan. After both users have approved the isolation plan, the isolation’s status changes to Approved. If revision is required select Send for Revision, the status changes back to Drafting. The approval section can't be revised after both users have approved the plan.

  9. The user assigned to the Isolating Authority role selects Initiate Isolation and sets expected removal time. The status changes to In progress.

  10. The options for each isolation point become editable. Select the Current State for each isolation points not yet isolated.

  11. The Isolating Authority and their team can now isolate the equipment at each isolation point.

    Each point is either:

    1. Isolated as planned, or

    2. Marked as Unable to Implement (UTI) using the UTI check box. When a point is marked as UTI, select UTI, the status changes to Revising (UTI), and the following steps need to be taken:

      1. The workflow status is UIT > Revising (UTI) > Drafting.

      2. Edit the points selected for the form to remove the points that are marked UTI and then select Submit Revision. The status is now Isolating Authority Approval.

      3. The Isolating Authority selects Approve Revision and signs, the status changes to Area Authority Approval.

      4. The Area Authority selects Approve Revision and signs, the status changes to Revision approved (UTI).

      5. The Isolating Authority selects Resume Isolation, the status changes to In progress.

  12. The Area Authority confirms that all of the equipment is isolated, and no points are marked UTI and selects Verify Isolation. The isolation’s status changes to Isolated.

  13. If required, LOTO tags for an isolation point can be printed.

  14. When the isolation time period needs to be extended (for example, a required part needs to be ordered), the Area Authority can extend the isolation period. The Area Authority confirms the requirement for an ETI (Extended Term Isolation) and selects Initiate ETI. The isolation’s status changes to ETI in progress.

  15. The Area Authority updates the editable fields then selects Verify ETI, adds a comment and signs. The ETI is set with a next review date (current date plus 30 days by default), and status changes to Extended term isolation.

  16. The Area Authority can continually review and renew the Extended Term Isolation as required or when the state is ETI review required, which occurs on the scheduled review date.

  17. When the work is ready to proceed, the Isolating Authority confirms that the equipment is isolated from all energy sources and selects Re-isolate from ETI.

  18. The Area Authority confirms that all of the equipment is isolated, and selects Verify Isolation. The isolation’s status changes to Isolated.

  19. If the isolation needs to be de-isolated for testing, and the isolation has DFT points configured, the Isolating Authority selects Initiate DFT. The isolation’s status changes to De-isolating for test.

  20. The Area Authority updates the editable fields then selects Verify De-isolation DFT. The status changes to De-isolated for test.

  21. Once testing is complete, the Isolating Authority can either select Re-isolate from DFT, the state changes to Re-isolating from test, or select Initiate De-isolation, and go straight to De-isolation in progress.

  22. The Area Authority confirms that all of the equipment is isolated, and selects Verify Isolation. The isolation’s status changes to Isolated.

  23. When the isolations are no longer required, the Isolating Authority selects Initiate De-isolation, that status changes to De-isolation in progress.

  24. The Area Authority updates all required fields then selects Verify De-isolation and signs. The state changes to De-isolated.

  25. To close and complete the isolation form, the Area Authority confirms all of the equipment is de-isolated and select Complete. The isolation’s status changes to Complete.