View the object timeline - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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The Object Timeline displays all the changes made to the selected attribute over the lifetime of the object in an interactive timeline. You can select various timeline options, which allow you to view each attribute change, or set of changes by date, by user, and so on.

  • Select an object attribute row in the grid view, an information box opens and points to where the attribute changed on the timeline.


How do you use the timeline options?

You can use the following time line options to change how the attributes display on the timeline:



What it displays on the timeline

Highlight single row


Highlights where the selected row attribute impacted the object history timeline. This is the default setting.

Highlight Set By


Highlights every time a user has impacted the selected attribute in the timeline.

Highlight Attribute


Highlights every time the selected attribute was edited in the timeline.

Zoom to fit


Resets the timeline back to fit all of the attributes into the display.

  • An information box displays a summary of the attribute change including the description, who actioned the change, and the change date.

  • You can zoom into the timeline to expand when the attribute was changed or to see a set of changes.