Viewing depreciation details - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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View depreciation details based on the fiscal year defined for your organization or for each month of the fiscal year defined for your organization.

See Understanding periodic depreciation and book value calculations.

If you update an asset’s Original Value, Est. Useful Life, the unit of measure, Residual Value, or Commission Date, the depreciation values are recalculated.

If you update an asset’s values, the new depreciation calculations are displayed. You cannot access the asset’s former depreciation calculations. Likewise, if you transfer an asset to a new organization, the depreciation is calculated based on the fiscal year of the asset’s new organization. You cannot access the asset’s former depreciation calculations.

  1. Select one of these options:

    • Equipment > Assets

    • Equipment > Positions

    • Equipment > Systems

  2. Select the asset, position, or system for which to view depreciation details, and then click the Depreciation tab.

  3. Select the depreciation record for which to view depreciation details, and then click View Depreciation Details.

  4. Select Fiscal Years or Months to view the depreciation details based on fiscal years or months. Depreciation (To Date), Depreciation (Period To Date), and Book Value (To Date) are automatically populated based on the following equations:

    Straight Line, Sum of Years Digits, and Double Declining Balance

    Units of Output

    Depreciation (To Date)

    Daily Depreciation Rate x Number of Days Between Commission Date and Current Date

    Depreciation Per Unit * Units of Output in the period through n (where n= fiscal year prior to current fiscal year) + Depreciation for the Current Fiscal Year through Today’s Date

    Depreciation Per Unit = (starting value - residual value)/ estimated lifetime output

    See Calculating units of output depreciation.

    For the current fiscal year, depreciation uses the following equation:

    Average Number of Units Produced per Day * Number fiscal through today's date * Depreciation per Unit where:

    Average Number of Units per day = entered Units of Output total days in Fiscal Year

    Number of Fiscal Year days through Today's Date = Today's Date – Commission Date or Fiscal Year Start Date, whichever is greater + 1

    Depreciation Per Unit = (Original Value – Residual Value) / Estimated Lifetime Value

    Depreciation (Period To Date)

    Daily Depreciation Rate x Number of Days Between First Day in the Current Period and the Current Date

    See equation in Depreciation (To Date) above for more information on calculating depreciation in current period.

    Book Value (To Date)

    Original Value – Depreciation (To Date)

    Original Value – Depreciation (To Date)

  5. Click Close.