Configure column sets - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Configure column sets in the Desktop Client (Modified in an update).

The column set functionality in the Web Client provides the user with the ability to configure column sets to control the display of properties and their order when displayed in a results grid. As an administrator, you can create column sets and relate the column set to an object's class definition, a method, a relationship, or an interface definition to display a defined set of properties.

Column sets

Column sets control what properties are displayed in columns when an object is displayed. Each column set is composed of column items that determine the appearance and order of the properties. Each type of object can have its own column set to determine which properties you want to be displayed. The column items that are created are automatically related to the column set.

Column items

A column set is composed of a number of column items that each represent the properties or relationship values for the object type. You can control the order in which the column items display in a column set, as well as the column width and other display attributes by setting the values on the column items.

How do column sets work?

Results grid and List Edit

Column sets support list views in the results grid and when using List Edit, and help identify and display an object's properties and relationships. You can also identify properties on related objects.


Manage related items

Column sets support list views and help identify properties and objects expanded from relationships when the Dynamic Item option is set.


How does the Web Client know which column set to use?

When the Web Client displays data in a results grid, the system chooses which column set to use. This choice is based on:

  • The object type that is being displayed.

  • The system configuration, where a column set is specified on a method argument or an object type.

When the column set selected is based on the object type being displayed, the server works out the best column set to use by:

  • Looking for a column set for the first object returned.

  • Looking for a column set based on the object’s classification.

  • Looking for a column set linked to the interfaces on the object.

  • If a column set does not exist for an object type, the system automatically selects the most appropriate column set based on the object type, such as the class definition or class definition's primary interface definition.

  • When additional properties are required to display in a column set, you can add the column items by selecting a column set and clicking Manage column items. For more information on managing column items, see Manage related items.

  • You can create a relationship between a column set and an interface definition so that any object that is instantiated with the interface definition has its properties displayed using the related column set.