Outgoing Technical Query workflow - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The following information describes the Outgoing Technical Query workflow. It explains what can and cannot be changed.

Process configuration

These options are available to configure the technical query work process.

Manage the default behavior of the compliance review branches and their recipients

You control the compliance review before issue by doing the following.

  • Find the SCLBOutgoingTechnicalQueryCS column set in the Desktop Client. Manage the column items for edit in the Desktop Client.

  • Change the settings for the SCLBProjComsContractualComplianceReviewReqd column item.

    • Set the Default Create Value (true/false) and Read Only (true/false) options.

You set up the recipient for the compliance review before issue by doing the following.

  • Find and update the Outgoing Technical Query Workflow template in the Desktop Client.

  • Update the recipient for the compliance review in the originating organization step.

    • Select a user, role, or matrix. If the role or matrix resolves to more than one recipient, one of these users must claim the task.

You control the response compliance review by doing the following.

  • Find SCLBProjComsExternalResponders-Form and run the Form Builder in the Desktop Client.

  • Change the Default Create Value (true/false) for the SCLBProjComsIsContractualComplianceReviewReqdForResponse display item.

  • Change the Read Only (true/false) option on the section display item relationship.

You set up the recipient for the response compliance review by doing the following.

  • Find and update the Outgoing Technical Query Workflow template in the Desktop Client.

  • Update the recipient for the compliance review in the target organization step.

    • Select a user, role, or matrix. If the role or matrix resolves to more than one recipient, one of these users must claim the task.

You set the review and response periods by doing the following.

  • Find the contract in the project, and update its properties.

SHARED Tip The review and consolidation periods are properties on the contract objects. The review and consolidation periods can be set for each contractor.

Remodel the work process

Work process remodeling, including creating new steps, requires changes to the underlying workflow template. For more information, see the rules for work process remodeling in Configure workflows and the detailed procedures in How to Configure the Workflow Model.

Relate the step definitions to set the column item for review progress

The SDxStepDefPropagateProgress relationship helps to link two step definitions where completion of one or more parallel steps of the End1 step will set progress percentage on the End2 step. The delivered step definitions are STP_SCLBProjComsConsolidate and STP_SCLBProjComsRespond. The End 2 step definition is related to both the step End 1 step definition and the progress step. This relationship can have multiple recipients; and the progress is calculated according to the review completion/rejection/waived off and/or if any new recipients are added.

To use your defined step definitions other than the delivered step definitions, you need to manually load the step definitions using xml load files. For more information, see Loader.

Relationship Definition


    <IObject UID="SDxStepDefPropagateProgress" Name="SDxStepDefPropagateProgress" Description="PropagateProgress relation between two workflow step definitions. Second step definition steps in the chain will propagate their progress to the First step definition step" />

    <IRelDef2 Copy12="DontCopy" Copy21="DontCopy" FilterEdge21="True" FilterEdge12="True" />

    <IRelDef End1Locality="Container" Max2="1" End2Locality="Container" Role2DisplayName="Review/Respond step definition" Min1="0" Role1="Consolidate/Approve" Role2="Review/Respond" Role1DisplayName="Consolidate/Approve step definition" Max1="1" Min2="0" />

    <ISchemaObj />

    <IRel UID1="ISPFStepDef" UID2="ISPFStepDef" />


Associate the column item with existing column sets to view the review progress

The delivered Column Item CI_SDAParallelStepProgress is related to the delivered Column Sets CS_SCLBProjComsInboxColumnSet, CS_SCLBDocRevisionInboxColumnSet to display the properties on the To Do List. If using a column set which is not delivered, you will have to relate the CI_SDAParalleltStepProgress to the column sets you wish to, to view the Review Progress (%) column in your Web Client. For more information on how to associate a column set with a column item, see Associate a column set with an interface.


<IObject UID="CI_SDAParallelStepProgress" Name="SDAParallelStepProgress" Description="Parallel step progress" />

<ISPFAdminItem />

<ISPFColumnItem SPFCIPropertyDefUID="SDAParallelStepProgress" />



<IObject UID="CS_SCLBProjComsInboxColumnSet.CI_SDAParallelStepProgress" />

<IRel UID1="CS_SCLBProjComsInboxColumnSet" DefUID="SPFColumnSetColumnItem" UID2="CI_SDAParallelStepProgress" OrderValue="35"/>

<ISPFColumnSetColumnItem SPFColumnDisplayAs="Parallel Step Progress(%)" SPFColumnSize="16" />


Details of internal process steps

  • If the system fails to generate and attach any of the PDF renditions, it directs the workflow to the Correct failure step.

  • To capture the reason for the closure, you must set the Set closure reason option on the SCLBProjComsReviewTQResponse method to True. The Set Closure Reason box is then displayed in the Review Responses dialog, where you must select a reason from the list, such as Created by mistake, Duplicate, Fixed, Not valid anymore, or Other, to complete the step.

What does the workflow look like?

The steps that make up the workflow are described in the following table.

If you choose to edit the workflow, do not remove any steps marked as mandatory.

SHARED Tip For information on how to upgrade a workflow template, and the changes that have been made in various updates, see Upgrading workflow templates.

Step name




Branch based on revision

Evaluates the revision of the object, and routes

  • a new technical query to the Add content, markup and comments step.

  • a new revision of an existing technical query to the Re-issue required step.


Add content, markup and comments

Allows the creator of the technical query to relate documents and tags to the technical query, create markups, and add any additional comments.

The next step is Validate ToUser or ToRole.


This step is needed to verify or complete the information of the technical query.

Re-issue required

Allows the creator of the technical query to relate more documents and tags to the technical query or dissociate the existing documents or tags.

The next step is Validate ToUser or ToRole.


This step is needed to respond to the received technical query response or to rephrase the original query if not well perceived by the recipient.

Validate ToUser or ToRole

Checks if the To user or To role has been selected. If not, the user is informed and prevented from completing this step.

The next step is Branch based on contractual compliance review required.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the query does not have a recipient to get a response.

Branch based on contractual compliance review required

Routes the workflow to Compliance review in originating organization step if the Is contractual compliance review required? box is selected by the user in the Response Control tab of the New Technical Query form. Otherwise, routes the workflow to Validate documents and target organization step.


Compliance review in originating organization

Allows the user to review the communication contents attached to the technical query and check for contractual compliance. If accepted, the next step is Validate primary documents and target organization. If rejected, the next step is Add content, markup and comments.

This step can be bypassed if the Is contractual compliance review required? box is cleared by the user in the Response Control tab of the New Technical Query form.


Validate primary documents and target organization

Validates that the collaborating or originating organization of the primary document related to the technical query is the same as the target organization.

The next step is Validate documents and target organization.


This step is needed as the information added to the query should be accessible to the external recipient.

Validate documents and target organization

Validates that the collaborating or originating organization of the tag (related to the response) is the same as the target organization of the outgoing technical query.

The next step is Validate tags and target organization.


This step is needed as the information added to the query should be accessible to the external recipient.

Validate tags and target organization

Validates that the collaborating or originating organization of the tag (related to the technical query) is the same as the target organization.

The next step is Check Due Date.


This step is needed as the information added to the query should be accessible to the external recipient.

Check Due Date

Checks if the due date is provided in the form. If accepted, the next step is Set workflow step due date. If rejected, the next step is Set due date from contract.


Set due date from contract

Sets the due date on the outgoing technical query as mentioned in the contract.

The next step is Set workflow step due date.


Set workflow step due date

Sets the due date on the outgoing technical query workflow step as mentioned in the contract.

The next step is Set issue state to ISSUED.


Set issue state to ISSUED

Changes the status of the technical query object to ISSUED.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.

The next step is Run and attach TQ report ASYNC.


Run and attach TQ report ASYNC

Runs the SCLBTQ report and attaches the PDF to the technical query.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate PDF letter template and replace for all files.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to RESERVED.


Generate PDF letter template and replace for all files

Generates a PDF and replaces the existing files with copies for the following:

  • Letter template of the technical query.

  • Files attached to the technical query.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate primary document PDF rendition.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to RESERVED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate primary document PDF rendition

Generates a PDF rendition and relates the PDF rendition to the document rendition for any files attached to the primary document.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate document PDF renditions.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to RESERVED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate document PDF renditions

Generates a PDF rendition and relates the PDF rendition to the document rendition for any files attached to the reference document.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Set issue superseded as true on revised outgoing technical query object.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to RESERVED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Re-set issue state to RESERVED

Changes the status of the technical query object to RESERVED, if generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.

The next step is Correct failure.


Set issue superseded as true on revised outgoing technical query object

Sets the Issue Superseded flag to True.

The next step is Check for from cc users.


Check for from cc users

Checks if any From CC users have been selected.

If selected, the next step is Propagate recipient from cc users.

If not, the next step is Check for to cc users.


Propagate recipient from cc users

Identifies the users mentioned in the From CC box to issue a notification to.

The next step is Technical query issue notification.


Technical query issue notification

Informs the user that a technical query has been issued. This is an acknowledgment step.

The next step is Check for to cc users.


Check for to cc users

Checks if any To CC users have been selected.

If accepted, the next step is Propagate recipient to cc users.

If rejected, the next step is Propagate recipient to user/to role.


Propagate recipient to cc users

Identifies the users mentioned in the To CC box to issue a notification to.

The next step is Technical query receipt notification.


Technical query receipt notification

Informs the user that a technical query has been received. This is a notification step.

The next step is Propagate recipient to user/to role.


Propagate recipient to user/to role

Identifies the users mentioned in the To User and To Role boxes to send a task to.

The next step is Initial review.


Initial review

Allows the user to evaluate the technical query.

If accepted, the next step is Set issue state to RECEIPT ACCEPTED.

If rejected, the next step is Set issue state to REJECTED.


This step is needed to evaluate the technical query and seek additional responses from other engineers.

Set issue state to RECEIPT ACCEPTED

Sets the status of the technical query object to RECEIPT ACCEPTED.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.

The next step is Bypass prepare response(s) and consolidate response(s).


Bypass prepare response(s) and consolidate response(s)

Bypasses the prepare response and consolidate response steps and routes to:

  • Bypass compliance review in target organization step, if the initial reviewer has not identified one or more responders or a consolidator. The initial reviewer responds to the query in this case.

  • Validate is consolidator set step, otherwise.


Validate is consolidator set

Validates the consolidator identified by the initial reviewer.

The next step is Is responder set.


Is responder set

Validates the responder identified by the initial reviewer.

If accepted, the next step is Set consolidator from initial reviewer or Set responder from initial reviewer.

If rejected, the next step is Set consolidator from initial reviewer.


Set consolidator from initial reviewer

Sets the consolidator identified by the initial reviewer on the workflow object.

The next step is Consolidate responses.


Set responder from initial reviewer

Sets the responder identified by the initial reviewer on the workflow object.

The next step is Prepare response.


Prepare response

Allows the user to respond to the query and add supporting information as files or documents.


This step is needed if multiple responses are expected. If a single person is responding to the query, the consolidation step can be used for responding to the query.

Consolidate responses

Allows the user to review the actions, comments, and related files from the responders, and submit the consolidated technical query response containing the renditions back to the originator.

The next step is Auto close open TQ respond steps.


This step is needed to filter out unwanted items and share appropriate comments.

Auto close open TQ respond steps

Closes any open response steps when the consolidator completes the response.

The next step is Bypass compliance review in target organization.


Bypass compliance review in target organization

Routes the workflow to the Compliance review in target organization step if the Is contractual compliance review required for response? box is selected by the initial reviewer in the Perform Initial Response page. Otherwise, routes the workflow to the Set issue state to RESPONDED step.


Compliance review in target organization

Allows the user to review the communication contents attached to the technical query and check for contractual compliance.

If accepted, the next step is Set issue state to RESPONDED.

If rejected, the next step is Check if consolidator is set.


Check if consolidator is set

Validates if a consolidator is set on the technical query.

If yes, the next step is Set rework response to consolidator.

If no, the next step is Set rework response to initial reviewer.


Set rework response to consolidator

Sends a rework step to the consolidator.

The next step is Rework response.


Set rework response to initial reviewer

Sends a rework step to the initial reviewer.

The next step is Rework response.


Rework response

Allows the consolidator or the initial reviewer to make additional changes if the compliance reviewer rejects the consolidated response.

The next step is Bypass compliance review in target organization.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the issues cannot be corrected and sent to the target organization.

Set issue state to RESPONDED

Changes the status of the technical query object to RESPONDED.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.

The next step is Consolidated response state to ISSUED.


Consolidated response state to ISSUED

Changes the status of the technical query consolidated response object to ISSUED.

If this step is removed, the technical query consolidated response object status will not be modified.

The next step is Generate PDF and replace for all files related to response object in target organization.


Generate PDF and replace for all files related to response object in target organization

Generates a PDF rendition and relates the PDF rendition to the document rendition for any files attached to the primary document in the response.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate response document renditions.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate response document renditions

Generates a PDF rendition and relates the PDF rendition to the document rendition for any files attached to the reference document in the response.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate primary rendition document renditions.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate primary rendition document renditions

Generates a PDF rendition for any markups created on the primary rendition.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate reference rendition document renditions.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate reference rendition document renditions

Generates a PDF rendition for any markups created on the reference rendition.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate PDF and replace for all files related to technical query object in target organization.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate PDF and replace for all files related to technical query object in target organization

Generates a PDF rendition for any files related to the Technical Query at the target organization by the reviewer.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Review response.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Re-set issue state to ISSUED

Resets the status of the technical query object to ISSUED.

The next step is Re-set issued response state to INITIATED.


Re-set issued response state to INITIATED

Resets the status of the technical query response object to INITIATED.

The next step is Correct response failure.


Set issue state to REJECTED

Changes the status of the technical query object to REJECTED.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.

The next step is Rejected response state to ISSUED.


Rejected response state to ISSUED

Changes the status of the technical query rejected response object to ISSUED.

The next step is Generate PDF and replace for all files related to response object in target organization for initial review rejection.


Generate PDF and replace for all files related to response object in target organization for initial review rejection

Generates a PDF rendition and relates the rendition to the document rendition for any files attached to the primary document.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate response document renditions for initial review rejection.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED for initial review rejection.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate response document renditions for initial review rejection

Generates a PDF rendition and relates the rendition to the document rendition for any files attached to the reference document.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate primary rendition document renditions for initial review rejection.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED for initial review rejection.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate primary rendition document renditions for initial review rejection

Generates a PDF rendition for any markups created on the primary rendition.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate reference rendition document renditions for initial review rejection.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED for initial review rejection.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate reference rendition document renditions for initial review rejection

Generates a PDF rendition for any markups created on the reference rendition.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Generate PDF and replace for all files related to technical query object for initial review rejection.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED for initial review rejection.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Generate PDF and replace for all files related to technical query object for initial review rejection

Generates a PDF rendition for any files related to the technical query at the target organization by the reviewer.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Review rejection.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to Re-set issue state to ISSUED for initial review rejection.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the markups are not shared with the external organization.

Re-set issue state to ISSUED for initial review rejection

Changes the status of the technical query object to ISSUED if the initial reviewer rejects the query.

The next step is Re-set issued response state to Rejected for initial review rejection.


Re-set issued response state to Rejected for initial review rejection

Changes the status of the technical query response object to REJECTED if the initial reviewer rejects the query.

The next step is Correct response failure for initial review rejection.


Review rejection

Allows the user to view the reason for rejection, once the compliance reviewer rejects the technical query, and revise the technical query, if needed.

If accepted, the next step is Set issue state to COMPLETED.

If rejected, the next step is Set issue state to RESPONSE REJECTED.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the issues cannot be corrected, and the query cannot be resent to the target organization.

Review response

Allows the user to review the response, once the compliance reviewer approves the technical query, and revise the technical query, if needed.

If accepted, the next step is Set issue state to CLOSED.

If rejected, the next step is Set issue state to RESPONSE REJECTED.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the issues cannot be corrected, and the query cannot be resent to the target organization.

Set issue state to RESPONSE REJECTED

Changes the status of the technical query object to RESPONSE REJECTED.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.

The next step is Revise the object with form.


Revise the object with form

Revises the technical query and saves the previous revision details.

The next step is Re-issue required.


Set issue state to CLOSED

Changes the status of the technical query object to CLOSED.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.


Set issue state to COMPLETED

Changes the status of the technical query object to COMPLETED.

If this step is removed, the technical query object status will not be modified.


Correct failure

Allows the user to fix the errors that caused the rendition failure and resubmit the query.

The next step is Set issue state to ISSUED.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the rendition failure cannot be fixed and the query cannot be sent to the target organization.

Correct response failure

Allows the user to fix the errors that caused the rendition failure and resubmit the response.

The next step is Set issue state to RESPONDED.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the rendition failure cannot be fixed and the responses cannot be shared with the submitter.

Correct response failure for initial review rejection

Allows the user to fix the errors that caused the rendition failure and resubmit the response.

The next step is Set issue state to REJECTED.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the rendition failure cannot be fixed and the responses cannot be shared with the submitter.