Additional properties - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)


The ClaimedToConfigs property definition is exposed on the ISPFMergableItem interface definition. This property is also stored as a column on certain tables in the database, such as all *OBJ and *REL tables.

This property is scoped by a string type and is instantiated on higher configuration items at the point they are claimed to a lower configuration. The property stores the UIDs of all of the projects, or lower configurations, to which the item was claimed. If the object was claimed to multiple projects, these UIDs are stored as a comma separated list.

The ClaimedToConfigs property allows the software to recognize that the item at the higher configuration is under change in other projects, as well as showing the project or projects in which the change is occurring.

When a claimed item is merged or unclaimed, the configuration from which it was merged is removed from the string. The string is emptied completely if merged from the last project to claim it.

The ClaimedToConfigs property definition is:

  • Visible in the properties grid

  • Available to be exposed in column sets

  • Applied to relationships, as well as objects

  • Stored as a new column in the database for all OBJ and REL tables


The SPFRevisedToConfigs property definition is exposed on the ISPFDocumentRevision interface. This property is scoped by a string type and is instantiated on any higher configuration document revisions when a document is revised to a lower configuration.

For documents, the SPFRevisedToConfigs property is instantiated on the plant level revision that is selected to be the source of a cross-configuration revise action. This property stores the UID of the project to which the document was revised, similar to the ClaimedToConfigs property definition. If a document is revised to multiple projects, this is in a comma separated list.

When a revised document is merged, the configuration from which it was merged is removed from the string. The string is emptied completely if merged from the last project to revise it.

The SPFRevisedToConfigs property definition is:

  • Exposed on ISPFDocumentRevision

  • Visible in the properties grid

  • Available to be exposed in column sets


The intent of the SPFOriginAtHigherConfig property is similar to the ClaimedToConfigs property definition, but this property is targeted at documents. It allows the software to recognize that the document at the higher configuration has been revised to one or more lower configurations for potential changes.

This property is instantiated on any item that was created as a result of a claim action, therefore it applies to objects in a project and any levels below, but not objects at the Configuration Top or plant level.

The SPFOriginAtHigherConfig property definition is:

  • Exposed on ISPFMergableItem

  • Scoped by Boolean

  • Visible in the properties grid

  • Available to be exposed in column sets