Making the classification tree configuration controlled - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

To make the classification tree support different structures in different configurations, such as Plants, the class definition has to be configured with IsConfigurationControlled = True. Classifications created at one configuration will be available in lower configurations.

If the same classification tree is to be configured in more than one configuration, make sure the key includes the configuration. It is also worth putting a prefix in the key.

Unique Key = Prefix,CurrentConfig,Name

For example, use unique key definition = Prefix,ConfigLevel1,Name to allow objects with the same name to exist in different plants or use unique key definition = Prefix,ConfigLevel1OrBlank,Name to allow objects with the same name to exist in different plants as well as in Configuration Top.

For configuration-dependent classifications, use:


SPFUIDDef="DC,Name,CurrentConfig, SPFClassificationOccurance"

Because the classification tree is not to be claimed or merged, it does not need any of the concurrent engineering interfaces. However, if a classification created at the Plant has to be hidden from the project, then the claim interfaces will have to be added so that the classification can be claimed into the project and terminated. However, this is not a common requirement.