Models, assets, suppliers, and manufacturers - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

You can create new models, assets, suppliers, and manufacturers using the USER_SPO.xlsm Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

We recommend that you create a backup copy of the original spreadsheets before making any modifications to them.

  1. Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELF of USER_SPO.xlsm file. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

  2. To add a new supplier, in the Supplier sheet, add a new row in the SPXSupplier section, and type values in the UID, Name, and Description columns.

  3. To add a new manufacturer, in the Manufacturer sheet, add a new row in the SPXManufacturer section, and type values in the UID, Name, and Description columns.

  4. To add a model, in the Model sheet, add a new row in the SPXModel section, and type values in the UID, Name, and Description columns.

  5. In the Material Class (Model Rel) column, type the UID of the material type for the model.

  6. Add a new row in the ModelManufacturer section. In the UID1 column, type the UID of the model, and in the UID2 column, type the UID of the manufacturer. In the UID column, define a relationship between model and manufacturer by typing the UID using the [UID1.UID2] format.

    You can define a relationship between the model and the supplier the same way.

  7. To add a new asset, in the Asset sheet, add a new row in the SPXAsset section, and type values in the Name, Description, and UID columns respectively.

  8. In the Material Class (Asset Rel) column, type the UID of the material type for the asset.

  9. Add a new row in the AssetManufacturer section. In the UID1 column, type the UID of the asset, and in the UID2 column, type the UID of the manufacturer. In the UID column, type the UID to define a relationship between the asset and the manufacturer using the [UID1.UID2] format.

    You can define relationships between the asset & supplier and model & asset the same way.

  10. Click File > Save to save the spreadsheet by renaming it as USER_SPO_MAM.xlsm.

Create material classes

You can create new material types using the DATA_SPO Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Depending upon the material type, you can add it to the relevant MaterialClass sheet in the DATA_SPO_MAM.xlsm file.

The following example shows you how to add a material type, “Nickel-cadmium battery” to one of the MaterialClass sheet in the DATA_SPO_MAM.xlsm file .

  1. Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELF of DATA_SPO.xlsm file or use the DATA_SPO_MAM.xlsm if you are creating material class after supplier. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

  2. In the MaterialClass1 sheet, add a new row in the Material Types section, and type the name of the material in the MaterialClassName1 column. In this example, type [Battery] in the MaterialClassName1 column.

  3. In the MaterialClassName2 column, enter the type of the material. In this example, type [Nickel-cadmium] in the MaterialClassName2 column.

  4. In the Description column, type the description for the material type. In this example, type [Battery, Nickel-cadmium] in the Description column.

  5. In the UID column, type the UID for the material type. In this example, type [SPXMatC_Nickel-cadmium] in the UID column.

  6. Click File > Save to save the renamed spreadsheet.