Define a new property definition in the CDW schema - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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When an object with the new property is published, the data is published to the MTR publish domain and consolidated into the CDW domain. Use the following process to define the custom property definition in the CDW schema so that the new property values can be consolidated and used on tags stored there.

The XML file that you used to store your SmartPlant Tag Registry authoring schema can also store CDW custom schema objects. Confirm that the XML file for authoring data is open and active in the Schema Editor (in this example, SCHEMA_AcmeNonIntegration). Or, if necessary, open your custom configuration file and make the authoring schema extension file the active file.

SHARED Tip In the Schema Editor, the name of the active file appears on the left side of the title bar.

Page-1 Map a CDW relationship between the publish and CDW properties Map a CDW relationship between the publish and CDW interfaces Define the new custom property in the CDW schema Define a new custom interface to expose the property in the CDW...